Dr Oscar Serrallach, MBChB FRACGP, is a dedicated practitioner in the field of maternal care. After training at Auckland Medical School he explored emergency medicine, psychiatry, Aboriginal men's health, addiction, nutritional medicine, herbalism and home birth, before setting up his groundbreaking health clinic near Byron Bay in New South Wales. Since 2010, Oscar has dedicated his work to the condition that he has identified as postnatal depletion. He has been championing the cause ever since, using the latest science in postnatal care, as well as traditional and integrative medicine, to provide hope and innovative advice for mothers who are feeling depleted months or years after childbirth. Oscar's initial studies in this field coincided with starting a family, which led him to consider the science through the particular lens of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period, observing his own partner and many other mothers through his clinical work. Oscar's firmly held belief is that there is nothing more important than the health and well-being of mothers - when mothers are happy, healthy and rested, our families benefit, our communities benefit and society benefits. Oscar lives in Australia with his wife and three children. THE POSTNATAL DEPLETION CURE is his first book.